Maryland Photographer: My Story

Maryland Photographer: My Story

Ack - Its Monday and I need to stop the day!!!!

Photographer emergency!!!

My camera is on its way out and it's time to get a new one 😱

I will be making all of the arrangements today and saying good-bye to my trusty friend who has served me well for many many years.

My camera is the tool that allows me to make a living and capture moments otherwise gone.

But more than that - my camera is my....

Safety Net, always there and never changing. No matter what else is going on in my world I can count on picking up my camera and it being the same and constant and trustworthy.

Courage, when my camera is in my hands I know no fear. I go places and do things I would not normally do because the creative vision in my head is louder than my fear and I go for the shot... always.

Outlet, it has provided me an escape when things in my life were unsure. I pick up that camera and get lost in my world of lights, shadows, composition, colors, emotions and creativity.

Return ticket to days or moments past. When life moves so quickly and you forget, me and my camera freeze time and I am forever grateful for the hundreds of images I have created, captured and printed of my family so I can always look back and remember.

SOOOOO with all of that said - goodbye NIkonD700 (the best of its time....) and hello...

NikonD850 or NikonZ7???? help!!!!!

Haha, see - serious photography emergencies here - cancel the day!

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Maryland Photographer: My Story

Maryland Photographer: My Story

Maryland Photographer: My Story

Maryland Photographer: My Story