Maryland's Portrait and Branding Photographer:  My Story

Maryland's Portrait and Branding Photographer: My Story

Sometimes we all need a reminder of our own inner power.
Your inner power shines outwardly in your beauty and brilliance.
Sometimes we have to dig deep to find our brave, but it’s always in there.

Yesterday I decided to put all of my screens down, not book any meetings or shoots and take some me time.
I was doing what I like to call “treasure hunting”, or shopping. One of my favorite things to do is go to all of the local vintage market weekend sales and be inspired by their style, decor and unique finds.
Sometimes I pick up a new prop for my sessions or item for my clients for designing their space.
But All the times, I find me.

This particular spot inspired me yesterday and I had to stop and take it in for a few minutes.

What inspires you to be reminded of your inner power and beauty?

Just a happy note to say “I see you” and you are working hard. Keep going, you got this 💪🏼

Hit me up for any of your photography needs: maternity, newborn, family, personal branding!
I love connecting and shinning your light through my lens 💗

Photo taken at BuckeystownDesign Co-op

Maryland's Portrait and Branding Photographer:  My Story

Maryland's Portrait and Branding Photographer: My Story

Maryland's Best Newborn Photographer | First Session in the New Space!

Maryland's Best Newborn Photographer | First Session in the New Space!