Maryland's Portrait and Branding Photographer:  My Story

Maryland's Portrait and Branding Photographer: My Story

Over the weekend I brought my kiddos in to see my new studio for the first time.

They were so excited to go see where I am working now.
They walked in and said "Wow, mommy this is where you work?"
Hearing the pride and joy in their voices made my heart happy.

SOOOO many times I feel like I am failing as a Mom.
It is hard to keep up with three kids and a full time business. It is also beyond important to me to show my children that you can go after your dreams and be anything you want with a lot of hard work and dedication.

I especially want to show my girls that women work too, and not only do we work but we own businesses and rock it!

So, even when its hard....
"I am just a mom who's doing my best. I'm giving my kids my all and and all I can hope is that every day they know that they are the greatest things to ever happen to me." I do it for me AND I do it for them.

This is to all the workin' Mama's out there - keep rocking it!
You got this!

Now lets book some more sessions in this new space -
Message me for details on maternity, newborn, family and branding sessions!

Maryland Photographer: My Story

Maryland Photographer: My Story

Maryland's Portrait and Branding Photographer:  My Story

Maryland's Portrait and Branding Photographer: My Story